The Sidney Prize and Other Prizes
A prize for short fiction whose subject is travel. First place receives $5000 and is published in Overland; two runners-up will each be awarded $750. Supported by the Malcolm Robertson Foundation and named after Neilma Gantner, this prize is open to writers nationally and internationally at any stage of their writing careers. Imaginative, creative and literary interpretations of the theme are encouraged.
Everything today is getting shorter. Essays become op-eds. Blog posts are Twitter tweets. The Sidney Prize stands athwart technology, yelling “Stop!” Several times each year, the prize celebrates long-form journalism and thought. The winner of this year’s prize is Peter Wood, who writes a fascinating piece in the Weekly Standard that explores the long-term harms of hook-up culture.
The 2024 Thomas Robinson Prize for Southern Literature is awarded to former United States Poet Laureate Rita Dove. Dove has won the National Humanities Medal and the 2011 National Medal of Arts, the only writer to have received both awards from the federal government. She is also the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship, and has written many books, including “The House on Mango Street” and “A Song of Ice and Fire.”
Mercer University’s Spencer B. King Jr. Center for Southern Studies has announced the 2024 winner of its annual Sidney Taylor Book Award. The award recognizes a book that has contributed significantly to the understanding and appreciation of the region. The winner is a work of fiction, nonfiction or poetry. Previous winners include “The Last Day of the War,” by Philip Roth; “The Book of Ruth,” by Anne Patchett; and “A Place Called Home,” by Sandra Civacki.
The prestigious Sidney Howard Memorial Award was a prize for new playwrights in the early 1900s, sponsored by the New York-based Playwrights’ Company to encourage the development of promising young talent. The prize was vacated after the death of the award’s founder in 1939. Among the playwrights who won the prize were Robert Ardrey and Tennessee Williams.
This annual prize is given to the best book on the history of Christianity by a North American scholar published in the prior calendar year. The 2024 winner is Dr. Emily Michelson (University of St. Andrews), Catholic Spectacle and Rome’s Jews: Early Modern Conversion and Resistance (Princeton University Press, 2022).
The annual Sidney Taylor Prize for Younger Readers is awarded for a middle grade or young adult title that shows exceptional promise in its ability to appeal to readers of all ages. The publisher must have demonstrated a commitment to the advancement of children’s literature and publishing by providing quality literature that inspires learning and imagination through storytelling. A copy of the winning book will be donated to the AJL Library. The winner is selected by a committee of librarians. This year’s committee was chaired by AJL Board member and librarian and library educator Libby Cox. A complete list of past winners can be found on the AJL website. For more information, visit the AJL bookstore page.